During another coaching conversation, when I was open to go deep and explore some of my stuff, I’ve realized that I’ve seen myself as a follower, not as a leader.
And in my mind it was “either/or“, not “and”. An exclusion, not an inclusion. It didn’t occur to me that I can be both, depending on the context. What that did for me was to make me give myself permission to alternate between the two roles. When I need to step up as a Leader, I am more than capable to do that, when I need to follow, the same. Huh.. I can be both.
I guess my fear was that when stepping up as a leader, I shouldn’t make any mistakes. The same.. no pressure there.. (just in my mind..). As I’ve discovered with the help of my coach, seeing a mistake as a growth opportunity, as an exploration, gave me the courage to step up as a leader more (from now on). Yes, leaders are not perfect, they do make mistakes, but they don’t let the mistakes define them. They’re courageous and they keep going.
So, who do I need to be or show up from now on? Well, I just Show Up! And I’m giving myself permission to Just Be – discover my true self, allowing myself to explore and to grow.
My encouragement to you: take the time to explore and to grow too! Make mistakes, it’s OK, it’s part of the growth process. Just Be!