Yesterday, I’ve created a space for a few people to think about their goals for 2016 (with pen and paper, with clear exercises to help them get really specific).
I’ve also did these exercises and worksheets.
I think it’s the first time for me to set up goals that clear and on the paper. I’ve always had them in my mind, but never on paper. While I was doing the Annual Goal Setting Worksheet, I was getting more and more excited for the new year! I’m way more aware now of that I want to do in order to make my goals happen.
And I’m also clear about who will be my supporters, my cheerleaders! And who I have to BE to achieve my goals!
If you haven’t taken the time to reflect on your goals, I encourage you to do that. Get specific on what you want to have and by when. Get creative, take on impossible dreams! You’ll find ways to make them happen if they’re important for you.
Ask for help and support, that’s no crime! Give help and support as well. DREAM BIG!