Coaching & Mentoring for Introverts


Helping your team realign to your vision & improve productivity


Helping introverts lead with kindness & clarity of purpose


Helping you make informed & wise decisions when choosing your career


Ana CarageaHi there! My name is Ana Caragea, I am a  Leadership Advisor, Coach & Mentor and I help introvert managers lead with courage and self-awareness while remembering how wise and insightful they are.

In my professional career, I’ve always looked at different ways to improve myself and to show up as authentically as I could be. It has been my constant pursuit to understand myself and to improve my skills and abilities, with a strategic focus.

So it was no surprise when I was introduced to the GC Index® (The Game Changing Index®), as it revealed my top two proclivities, natural inclinations – Strategist and Polisher. I was finally able to connect the dots of my continuous pursuit of excellence in my career and leadership coaching practice.

It made total sense to become a GC Index® Partner so that I could help my fellow introvert leaders make sense of their energy levels and specific areas where they would like to make an impact.

If you are an introvert leader/ manager, please reach out, I’d love to help you identify your top natural tendencies where you can make a Game Changing Impact. BOOK AN INTRO CALL